Soil and Water Resources Research Group

組長 李明旭 教授



辦公室/電話:S350 / 03-4227151 ext.65691


研究室:地表水文研究室 (分機65695)


  • 2013/08~迄今:中央大學水文與海洋科學研究所,教授
  • 2006/08~2013/07:中央大學水文科學研究所,副教授
  • 2001/08 ~2006/07:中央大學水文科學研究所,助理教授
  • 1999/12 ~2001/07:防災國家型科技計畫辦公室,博士後研究員
  • 1999/03 ~1999/11:美國Sandia國家實驗室,博士後研究員


  1. Yuei-An Liou*, Anh Kim Nguyen, Ming-Hsu Li, 2017/09, Assessing spatiotemporal eco-environmental vulnerability by Landsat data, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 80 52-65.(SCI)
  2. C. Lin,M. H. Li, and H. D. Yeh*, 2017/09, An analytical model for flow induced by a constant-head pumping in a leaky unconfined aquifer system with considering unsaturated flow, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, 107 525-534.(SCI)
  3. J. Wu, J. J. Dong*, A. T. S. Lin, Y. C. Yu, T. Y. Pan, L. T. Tong, M.H. Li, C. F. Ni, T Shimamoto, 2017/06, Influence of stress history on estimates of the porosity of sedimentary rocks: Implications for geological CO2 storage in Northern Taiwan, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 28 3 247-258.(SCI)
  4. H. Yao, M. H. Li, J. Y. Juan, Y. J. Hsia, P. H. Lee, and Y. Shen*, 2017/06, Mapping Reference Evapotranspiration from Meteorological Satellite Data and Applications, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 28 3 501-515.(SCI)
  5. Li, M.H.*, K.J. Tseng, C.P. Tung, D.S. Shih, T.M. Liu, 2017/02, Assessing the Water Resources Vulnerability and Resilience of Southern Taiwan to Climate Change, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 28 1.(SCI)
  6. Jui-Sheng Chen, Shao-Yiu Hsu, Ming-Hsu Li, Chen-Wuing Liu*, 2016/12, Assessing the performance of a permeable reactive barrier–aquifer system using a dual-domain solute transport model, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 543 849-860.(SCI)
  7. Hailu Sheferaw Ayele,Ming-Hsu Li*, Ching-Pin Tung, Tzu-Ming Liu, 2016/12, Assessing Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Gilgel Abbay and Gumara Watersheds, the upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 27 6.(SCI)
  8. Anh Kim Nguyen, Yuei-An Liou*, Ming-Hsu Li, Tuan Anh Tran, 2016/10, Zoning eco-environmental vulnerability for environmental management and protection, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 69 100-117.(SCI)
  9. Ayele, H.S.,H. Li*, C.P. Tung, T.M. Liu, 2016/09, Impact of climate change on runoff in the Gilgel Abbay watershed, the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Water, 8 9 380.(SCI)
  10. Chia-Ren Chu*; Ming-Hsu Li; Chien-Han Chen; and Jih-Shun Liu, 2016/06, Evaporation Rate of a White Class A Evaporation Pan, JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING-ASCE, 142 6 04016018.(SCI)
  11. Lin, W.S., C.W. Liu*, H. Li, 2016/06, Influences of specific ions in groundwater on concrete degradation in subsurface engineered barrier system, SPRINGERPLUS, 5 1 745.(SCI)
  12. Yi-Ying Chen*, Ming-Hsu Li, 2016/01, Quantifying Rainfall Interception Loss of a Subtropical Broadleaved Forest in Central Taiwan, Water, 8(1) 14-32.(SCI)


Soil and Water Resources Research Group




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