組長 林靜怡 教授
辦公室 / 電話:S208 / 03-4227151 ext.65613
研究室:海洋地震構造研究室 (S216 / 03-4227151 ext:65654)
1. 目標與任務(中、英文)
Our country, Taiwan, is surrounded by the sea.Natural disasters and human activitieshave been making all kinds of marine disasters with increasing frequency and intensity. The depletion of inlandmineral resources and energy underscores the importance of the search for marine mineral resources. Therefore, the development of marine-related research is not only important for national development, but also an international issue. The main task of our group is to perform marine geophysical and geological research and related application in the light of the data collected by underwater instruments. We hope to strengthen the basic research in marine science, and to promote the application in the aim of improvingthe capacity and level for the development of marine resources of our country. The main objective of our group is the investigation of natural resources and disaster in the marine area.
By using underwater instruments, such as multibeam system, sidescan sonar, subbottom profiler, magnetometer, coring and ocean bottom seismometer, the primary work of our research group include the acquisition, analysis, visualization, and integration of marine geophysical and geologic data. In the fundamental researches, our group focuses on the establishment of multi-functional processing models. For applied researches, our group engage in the evaluation of marine resources and the estimation of marine geohazard.