

1. 底拖聲納系統探測、
2. 多音束水深系統探測、



 03-4227151 ext. 57801 




  1. 海洋地球物理。
  2. 底拖聲納系統探測、資料處理與分析。
  3. 多音束水深系統探測、資料處理與分析。
  4. 多頻道震測資料處理與分析。






  1. Doo, W. B., S. K. Hsu, Y. C. Yeh, C. H. Tsai and C. M. Chang, 2014. Age and tectonic evolution of the northwest corner of the West Philippine Basin, Marine Geophysical Researches, doi:10.1007/s11001-014-9234-8. (SCI).
  2. Hsu, S. K., C. W. Chiang, R. L. Evans, C. S. Chen, S. D. Chiu, Y. F. Ma, S. C. Chen, C. H. Tsai, S. S. Lin, and Y. Wang, 2014. Marine controlled source electromagnetic method used for the gas hydrate investigation in the offshore area of SW Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92, 224-232. (SCI)
  3. Chen, S. C., S. K. Hsu, Y. Wang, S. H. Chung, P. C. Chen, C. H. Tsai, H. S. Lin and Y. W. Lee, 2014. Distribution and characters of the mud diapirs and mud volcanoes off southwest Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92, 201-214. (SCI)
  4. Hsu, S. K., Yeh, Y. C., Sibuet, J. C., Doo, W. B. and Tsai, C. H., 2013. A mega-splay fault system and tsunami hazard in the southern Ryukyu subduction zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 362, 99-107. (SCI)
  5. Chang, Y. C., C. H. Tsai, and S. K. Hsu, 2011. Generalized XYZ Data Editor For Marine Geophysical Survey, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.1-5.
  6. Chang, Y. C., S. K. Hsu and C. H. Tsai, 2010. Sidescan sonar image processing: correcting brightness variation and patching gaps, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Accepted January 8, 2010.
  7. Chen, S.C., S. K. Hsu, C. H. Tsai, C. Y. Ku, Y. C. Yeh, and Y. S. Wang, 2010. Gas seepage, pockmarks and mud volcanoes in the near shore of SW Taiwan, Mar Geophys Res, 31, 133–147.
  8. Ku, C. Y., S. K. Hsu, J. C. Sibuet and C. H. Tsai, 2009. The Neo-Tec tonic Structure of the South western Tip of the Okinawa Trough, TAO., 20, 749-759.
  9. Doo, W. B, S. K. Hsu, C. H. Tsai and Y. S. Huang, 2009. Using analytic signal to determine magnetization/density ratios of geological structures, Geophys. J. Int., 179, 112-124.
  10. 陳松春、許樹坤、王詠絢、蔡慶輝(2012)。臺灣西南海域高屏斜坡上活躍的泥火山群與可能的天然氣水合物賦存。鑛冶。第五十六卷,第三期,第73-88頁。
  11.  張逸中、許樹坤、馬玉芳、陳松春、蔡慶輝(2011)。無網站Google Maps互動程式-安全快速之海洋資訊分析新技術,海洋技術季刊,第二十一卷第三期39-42頁。
  12. 陳松春、邱協棟、蔡慶輝(2010)。台灣西南海域賦存天然氣水合物的指標證據-逸氣構造,地質,第29卷第1期,44-47頁。


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