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  • 土壤地下水地圖網頁線上資料分析及互動式模擬平台開發



I-Hsien Lee, Chuen-Fa Ni*, Fang-Pang Lin, Chi-Ping Lin, Chien-Chung Ke (2019). Stochastic modeling of flow and conservative transport in three-dimensional discrete fracture networks. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 23,19-34.

Yu-Hung Shih, I-Hsien Lee*, Chuen-Fa Ni, Tsuey-Lin Tsai, Liang-Cheng Chen, Chuan-Pin Lee, Shih-Chin Tsai, Te-Yen Su (2018). Experimental and numerical investigations of ⁹⁹TcO₄¯ diffusion in compacted SPV 200 bentonite. JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY, 361(3), 1081–1089.

Chuen-Fa Ni, Wei-Ci Li, Shaohua Marko Hsu, I-Hsien Lee, Chi-Ping Lin (2019). Numerical assessments of recharge-dominated groundwater flow and transport in the nearshore reclamation area in western Taiwan. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 191,83.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, 2015. Fracture-based modeling of complex flow and CO2 migration in three-dimensional fractured rocks. Computers & Geosciences, 81, 64-77 (SCI).

Lin, C.P., Ni, C.F.*, Lee, I.H., Li, W.C., 2016. Effects of permeability variations on CO2 convection in anisotropic and heterogeneous saline formations. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 27(1), 121-137 (SCI).

Lin, C.P., Lee, I.H., Lu, C.H., Ni, C.F.*, 2015. Stochastic delineation of well capture zones in aqufiers of Choushui River alluvial fan in central Taiwan. International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology.

張家偉、郭志禹、李奕賢、倪春發、王聖瑋,2015。應用FreeFEM++ 模擬污染場址水流及污染傳輸特性。土壤及地下水污染整治,2(1),11-23。

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, Yu, Y.C., Wu, Y.A., Li, W.C., Lin, C.P., 2017. Development of Deep Learning Technique for Analyzing Sandstone CT Images. AOGS, Singapore.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, Yu, Y.C., Wu, Y.C., 2017. Implementation of Particle Tracking Approach to Asses Radionuclide Transport at A Large-scale Test Area. AOGS, Singapore.

Ni, C.F., Lee, I.H., Lin, F.P, Li, W.C., Lin, C.P., 2017. Numerical Modeling of Dual Domain Flow and Transport in Fractured Formations. AOGS, Singapore.

Trần, Q.D., Ni, C.F., Lee, I.H., Li, W.C., Lin, C.P., 2017. Numerical Modeling of Large-scale Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in Northwest Area of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. AOGS, Singapore.

Yu, Y.C., Wu, Y.C., Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F., 2017. Benchmark Tests of Simulating Steady-state Flow and Particle Tracking in Large-scale Test Area. AOGS, Singapore.

Li, W.C., Ni, C.F., Lee, I.H., Lin, C.P., 2017. Numerical Study of Tide Influences on Submarine Groundwater Discharge. AOGS, Singapore.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F., Lin, F.P., Li, W.C., Lin, C.P., 2016. Development of Flow and Transport Model for Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks. AOGS, Beijing.

Ni, C.F., Lee, I.H., Lin, F.P., Li, W.C., Lin, C.P., 2016. Back Rotation of Fracture Orientations for Modeling Advection and Dispersion Transport in 3D Discrete Fracture Networks. AOGS, Beijing.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, 2015. Numerical simulations of radionuclide transport for three-dimensional discrete fracture networks. EAFORM, Taiwan.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, 2015. Numerical simulations of CO2 migration and radionuclide transport for three-dimensional discrete fracture networks. AOGS, Singapore.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, 2013. Quantifying representative hydraulic conductivity for three-dimensional fractured formations. AGU, San Francisco.

Lee, I.H., Ni, C.F.*, 2012. Integrations of AUTOMESH-2D mesh generator and TOUGH2 model to simulate CO2 migrations in complex geological formations in central Taiwan. AGU, San Francisco.

Lee, I.H., Lin, C.P., Ni, C.F.*, 2012. Uncertainty analysis of CO2 migrations for permeability and injection rates in saline aquifers. AOGS, Taiwan.

Lee, I.H., Lin, C.P., Ni, C.F.*, 2012. Field-scale simulations of CO2 injection in saline aquifer in north Taiwan. EGU, Vienna.


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